Iray Programmer's Manual

Creating polygon meshes

This topic introduces:

  1. Core concepts about creating and tessellating polygon meshes:
  2. The program example_polygon_mesh.cpp, which serves as an example implementation of these concepts. This program imports a partial scene containing definitions for the camera, a light, and some geometry (a ground plane and a yellow cube). Using calls to the API, it creates a red cylinder as a polygon mesh and tessellates a copy of it.

Creating a polygon mesh

To create a polygon mesh, you need to specify at least the following:
  • Specify the points (the position of the vertices) of the polygon mesh
  • Polygons (as point indices)

In example_polygon_mesh.cpp, create_cylinder() is used to create a cylinder with a regular N-gon as base. The actual data such as point coordinates and normal directions is not hardcoded, but computed by the helper class Cylinder and based on a few input parameters: radius, height, and parameter n of the N-gon.

To get a sharp edge for the top and base face, vertex normals are not specified per point, but per vertex. Hence, the mesh connectivity cannot be used. A custom connectivity must be used instead.

Note: In the previous example, Creating triangle meshes, vertex normals are specified per point and the mesh connectivity is used to define vertex normals.

The vertices are mapped to entries in the attribute vector as follows:

  • All vertices of the top face are mapped to the same normal
  • All vertices of the base face are mapped to the same normal
  • Each two vertices on the edge between two adjacent side faces share one normal

Tessellating a polygon mesh

The tessellator is a functor which tessellates a polygon mesh and returns the tessellated mesh as a triangle mesh. In example_polygon_mesh.cpp, the red cylinder is tessellated and the result is added to the scene (with a blue material). Currently, the tessellator does not support any options to control its behavior.

Adding a polygon mesh to a scene

The program example_polygon_mesh.cpp demonstrates how to add a polygon mesh to a scene graph. For more information, see Adding geometry to a scene.


001 /******************************************************************************
002  * © 1986, 2014 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
003  *****************************************************************************/
005 // examples/example_polygon_mesh.cpp
006 //
007 // Creates and tessellates a polygon mesh.
008 //
009 // The example expects the following command line arguments:
010 //
011 //   example_polygon_mesh <mdl_path>
012 //
013 // mdl_path         path to the MDL modules, e.g., iray-<version>/mdl
014 //
015 // The rendered image is written to a file named "example_polygon_mesh.png".
017 #include <mi/neuraylib.h>
019 // Include code shared by all examples.
020 #include "example_shared.h"
021 // Include an implementation of IRender_target.
022 #include "example_render_target_simple.h"
024 #include <iostream>
026 // Helper class that represents a cylinder as a polygon mesh with a regular N-gon as base
027 class Cylinder
028 {
029 public:
030     Cylinder( mi::Uint32 n, mi::Float32 radius, mi::Float32 height)
031         : m_n( n), m_radius( radius), m_height( height)
032     {
033         m_mesh_connectivity = new mi::Uint32[ 2*n + 4*n];
034         m_normal_connectivity = new mi::Uint32[ 2*n + 4*n];
035         m_offsets = new mi::Uint32[ n + 2 + 1];
037         // offsets to the first vertex index of each polygon
038         m_offsets[0] = 0;                                     // base (n vertices)
039         m_offsets[1] = n;                                     // top (n vertices)
040         for( mi::Uint32 i = 0; i <= n; ++i)
041             m_offsets[2+i] = 2*n + 4*i;                       // sides (4 vertices each)
043         // the mesh connectivity
044         mi::Uint32 index = 0;
045         for( mi::Uint32 i = 0; i < n; ++i)                    // base (first n even indices)
046             m_mesh_connectivity[index++] = 2*i;
047         for( mi::Uint32 i = 0; i < n; ++i)                    // top (first n odd indices)
048             m_mesh_connectivity[index++] = 2*i+1;
049         for( mi::Uint32 i = 0; i < n; ++i) {                  // sides (four subsequent indices)
050             m_mesh_connectivity[index++] =  2*i;
051             m_mesh_connectivity[index++] = (2*i + 2) % (2*n);
052             m_mesh_connectivity[index++] = (2*i + 3) % (2*n);
053             m_mesh_connectivity[index++] = (2*i + 1) % (2*n);
054         }
056         // the custom connectivity for normals
057         index = 0;
058         for( mi::Uint32 i = 0; i < n; ++i)                    // base (one constant normal)
059             m_normal_connectivity[index++] = 0;
060         for( mi::Uint32 i = 0; i < n; ++i)                    // top (one constant normal)
061             m_normal_connectivity[index++] = 1;
062         for( mi::Uint32 i = 0; i < n; ++i) {                  // sides (two normals each, shared
063             m_normal_connectivity[index++] = 2 + i;           // with adjacent side face)
064             m_normal_connectivity[index++] = 2 + (i+1) % n;
065             m_normal_connectivity[index++] = 2 + (i+1) % n;
066             m_normal_connectivity[index++] = 2 + i;
067         }
068     }
070     ~Cylinder()
071     {
072         delete[] m_mesh_connectivity;
073         delete[] m_normal_connectivity;
074         delete[] m_offsets;
075     }
077     mi::Uint32 num_points() const { return m_n * 2; }
079     mi::Uint32 num_normals() const { return m_n + 2; }
081     mi::Uint32 num_polys() const { return m_n + 2; }
083     mi::Uint32 polygon_size( mi::Uint32 p) const { return m_offsets[p+1] - m_offsets[p]; }
085     mi::Uint32* polygon_indices( mi::Uint32 p) const { return &m_mesh_connectivity[m_offsets[p]]; }
087     mi::Uint32* normal_indices( mi::Uint32 p) const { return &m_normal_connectivity[m_offsets[p]]; }
089     mi::Float32_3 point( mi::Uint32 index)
090     {
091         mi::Uint32 i = index / 2;
092         mi::Float32 angle = static_cast<mi::Float32>( 2.0f * MI_PI * i / m_n);
094         if( index % 2 == 0)
095             return mi::Float32_3( -m_height/2.0f, m_radius * std::sin( angle), m_radius * std::cos( angle));
096         else
097             return mi::Float32_3(  m_height/2.0f, m_radius * std::sin( angle), m_radius * std::cos( angle));
098     }
100     mi::Float32_3 normal( mi::Uint32 index)
101     {
102         if( index == 0) return mi::Float32_3( -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
103         if( index == 1) return mi::Float32_3(  1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
105         mi::Float32 angle = static_cast<mi::Float32>( 2.0f * MI_PI * (index-2) / m_n);
106         return mi::Float32_3( 0.0f, std::sin( angle), std::cos( angle));
107     }
109 private:
110     mi::Uint32 m_n;
111     mi::Float32 m_radius, m_height;
112     mi::Uint32* m_mesh_connectivity;
113     mi::Uint32* m_normal_connectivity;
114     mi::Uint32* m_offsets;
115 };
117 // Create a cylinder with a regular N-gon as base and normal vectors.
118 mi::IPolygon_mesh* create_cylinder( mi::neuraylib::ITransaction* transaction,
119     mi::Uint32 n, mi::Float32 radius, mi::Float32 height)
120 {
121     Cylinder cylinder( n, radius, height);
123     // Create an empty polygon mesh
124     mi::IPolygon_mesh* mesh = transaction->create<mi::IPolygon_mesh>( "Polygon_mesh");
125     check_success( mesh);
127     // Create a cylinder (points and polygons)
128     mesh->reserve_points( cylinder.num_points());
129     for( mi::Uint32 i = 0; i < cylinder.num_points(); ++i)
130         mesh->append_point( cylinder.point( i));
131     for( mi::Uint32 i = 0; i < cylinder.num_polys(); ++i)
132         mesh->add_polygon( cylinder.polygon_size( i));
134     // Map vertices of the polygons to points
135     mi::base::Handle<mi::IPolygon_connectivity> mesh_connectivity( mesh->edit_mesh_connectivity());
136     for( mi::Uint32 i = 0; i < cylinder.num_polys(); ++i)
137         mesh_connectivity->set_polygon_indices(
138             mi::Polygon_handle( i), cylinder.polygon_indices( i));
139     check_success( mesh->attach_mesh_connectivity( mesh_connectivity.get()) == 0);
141     // Create a custom connectivity for normal vectors and map vertices to entries in the
142     // attribute vector
143     mi::base::Handle<mi::IPolygon_connectivity> normal_connectivity(
144         mesh->create_connectivity());
145     for( mi::Uint32 i = 0; i < cylinder.num_polys(); ++i)
146         normal_connectivity->set_polygon_indices(
147             mi::Polygon_handle( i), cylinder.normal_indices( i));
149     // Create an attribute vector for the normals
150     mi::base::Handle<mi::IAttribute_vector> normals(
151         normal_connectivity->create_attribute_vector( mi::ATTR_NORMAL));
152     for( mi::Uint32 i = 0; i < cylinder.num_normals(); ++i)
153         normals->append_vector3( cylinder.normal( i));
154     check_success( normals->is_valid_attribute());
155     check_success( normal_connectivity->attach_attribute_vector( normals.get()) == 0);
156     check_success( !normals->is_valid_attribute());
158     check_success( mesh->attach_connectivity( normal_connectivity.get()) == 0);
160     return mesh;
161 }
163 // Add a red cylinder as polygon mesh and a blue cylinder as tessellation of the red cylinder
164 void setup_scene( mi::neuraylib::ITransaction* transaction, const char* rootgroup)
165 {
166     mi::Float32 cylinder_radius = 0.6f;
167     mi::Float32 cylinder_height = 1.2f;
169     // Create the red cylinder
170     mi::base::Handle<mi::IPolygon_mesh> mesh_red( create_cylinder(
171         transaction, 23, cylinder_radius, cylinder_height));
172     transaction->store( mesh_red.get(), "mesh_red");
174     // Create the instance for the red cylinder
175     mi::base::Handle<mi::IInstance> instance( transaction->create<mi::IInstance>( "Instance"));
176     instance->attach( "mesh_red");
178     // Set the transformation matrix, the visible attribute, and the material
179     mi::Float64_4_4 matrix( 1.0);
180     matrix.translate( -0.1, -cylinder_radius, 0.2);
181     matrix.rotate( 0.0, -0.5 * MI_PI_2, 0.0);
182     instance->set_matrix( matrix);
184     mi::base::Handle<mi::IBoolean> visible(
185         instance->create_attribute<mi::IBoolean>( "visible", "Boolean"));
186     visible->set_value( true);
188     mi::base::Handle<mi::IRef> material( instance->create_attribute<mi::IRef>( "material", "Ref"));
189     material->set_reference( "red_material");
191     transaction->store( instance.get(), "instance_red");
193     // And attach the instance to the root group
194     mi::base::Handle<mi::IGroup> group( transaction->edit<mi::IGroup>( rootgroup));
195     group->attach( "instance_red");
197     // Tessellate the polygon mesh of the red cylinder.
198     mi::base::Handle<mi::ITessellator> tessellator(
199         transaction->create<mi::ITessellator>( "Tessellator"));
200     mi::base::Handle<const mi::IPolygon_mesh> c_mesh_red(
201         transaction->access<mi::IPolygon_mesh>( "mesh_red"));
202     mi::base::Handle<mi::ITriangle_mesh> m_mesh_blue( tessellator->run( c_mesh_red.get()));
203     transaction->store( m_mesh_blue.get(), "mesh_blue");
205     // Create the instance for the blue cylinder
206     instance = transaction->create<mi::IInstance>( "Instance");
207     instance->attach( "mesh_blue");
209     // Set the transformation matrix, the visible attribute, and the material
210     matrix = mi::Float64_4_4( 1.0);
211     matrix.translate( -1.1, -cylinder_radius, -1.1);
212     instance->set_matrix( matrix);
214     visible = instance->create_attribute<mi::IBoolean>( "visible", "Boolean");
215     visible->set_value( true);
217     mi::base::Handle<mi::IRef> ref( instance->create_attribute<mi::IRef>( "material", "Ref"));
218     ref->set_reference( "blue_material");
220     transaction->store( instance.get(), "instance_blue");
222     // And attach the instance to the root group
223     group->attach( "instance_blue");
224 }
226 void configuration( mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::INeuray> neuray, const char* mdl_path)
227 {
228     // Configure the neuray library. Here we set the search path for .mdl files.
229     mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::IRendering_configuration> rendering_configuration(
230         neuray->get_api_component<mi::neuraylib::IRendering_configuration>());
231     check_success( rendering_configuration.is_valid_interface());
232     check_success( rendering_configuration->add_mdl_path( mdl_path) == 0);
234     // Load the FreeImage, Iray Photoreal, and .mi importer plugins.
235     mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::IPlugin_configuration> plugin_configuration(
236         neuray->get_api_component<mi::neuraylib::IPlugin_configuration>());
238     check_success( plugin_configuration->load_plugin_library( "") == 0);
239     check_success( plugin_configuration->load_plugin_library( "") == 0);
240     check_success( plugin_configuration->load_plugin_library( "") == 0);
241 #else
242     check_success( plugin_configuration->load_plugin_library( "freeimage.dll") == 0);
243     check_success( plugin_configuration->load_plugin_library( "libiray.dll") == 0);
244     check_success( plugin_configuration->load_plugin_library( "mi_importer.dll") == 0);
245 #endif
246 }
248 void rendering( mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::INeuray> neuray)
249 {
250     // Get the database, the global scope, which is the root for all transactions,
251     // and create a transaction for importing the scene file and storing the scene.
252     mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::IDatabase> database(
253         neuray->get_api_component<mi::neuraylib::IDatabase>());
254     check_success( database.is_valid_interface());
255     mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::IScope> scope(
256         database->get_global_scope());
257     mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::ITransaction> transaction(
258         scope->create_transaction());
259     check_success( transaction.is_valid_interface());
261     // Import the scene file
262     mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::IImport_api> import_api(
263         neuray->get_api_component<mi::neuraylib::IImport_api>());
264     check_success( import_api.is_valid_interface());
265     mi::base::Handle<const mi::IImport_result> import_result(
266         import_api->import_elements( transaction.get(), "file:main.mi"));
267     check_success( import_result->get_error_number() == 0);
269     // Add a polygon mesh and a tessellated blue mesh to the scene
270     setup_scene( transaction.get(), import_result->get_rootgroup());
272     // Create the scene object
273     mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::IScene> scene(
274         transaction->create<mi::neuraylib::IScene>( "Scene"));
275     scene->set_rootgroup(       import_result->get_rootgroup());
276     scene->set_options(         import_result->get_options());
277     scene->set_camera_instance( import_result->get_camera_inst());
278     transaction->store( scene.get(), "the_scene");
280     // Create the render context using the Iray Photoreal render mode
281     scene = transaction->edit<mi::neuraylib::IScene>( "the_scene");
282     mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::IRender_context> render_context(
283         scene->create_render_context( transaction.get(), "iray"));
284     check_success( render_context.is_valid_interface());
285     mi::base::Handle<mi::IString> scheduler_mode( transaction->create<mi::IString>());
286     scheduler_mode->set_c_str( "batch");
287     render_context->set_option( "scheduler_mode", scheduler_mode.get());
288     scene = 0;
290     // Create the render target and render the scene
291     mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::IImage_api> image_api(
292         neuray->get_api_component<mi::neuraylib::IImage_api>());
293     mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::IRender_target> render_target(
294         new Render_target( image_api.get(), "Color", 512, 384));
295     check_success( render_context->render( transaction.get(), render_target.get(), 0) >= 0);
297     // Write the image to disk
298     mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::IExport_api> export_api(
299         neuray->get_api_component<mi::neuraylib::IExport_api>());
300     check_success( export_api.is_valid_interface());
301     mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::ICanvas> canvas( render_target->get_canvas( 0));
302     export_api->export_canvas( "file:example_polygon_mesh.png", canvas.get());
304     transaction->commit();
305 }
307 int main( int argc, char* argv[])
308 {
309     // Collect command line parameters
310     if( argc != 2) {
311         std::cerr << "Usage: example_polygon_mesh <mdl_path>" << std::endl;
312         keep_console_open();
313         return EXIT_FAILURE;
314     }
315     const char* mdl_path = argv[1];
317     // Access the neuray library
318     mi::base::Handle<mi::neuraylib::INeuray> neuray( load_and_get_ineuray());
319     check_success( neuray.is_valid_interface());
321     // Configure the neuray library
322     configuration( neuray, mdl_path);
324     // Start the neuray library
325     check_success( neuray->start() == 0);
327     // Do the actual rendering
328     rendering( neuray);
330     // Shut down the neuray library
331     check_success( neuray->shutdown() == 0);
332     neuray = 0;
334     // Unload the neuray library
335     check_success( unload());
337     keep_console_open();
338     return EXIT_SUCCESS;
339 }