Iray Programmer's Manual


Iray Bridge has the following known restrictions:

  • Scopes: Currently, there is no support for scopes. This means that the client needs to select a single scope and make sure all transactions passed to Iray Bridge, directly through the API or indirectly by rendering with one of the cloud renderers, are created in that scope. All the incremental changes sent to the server will be replicated in a single scope on the server. The server will use different scopes for different users, so the server can handle multiple users without them interfering with each other. See mi::neuraylib::IScope for more information about scopes.

  • Cache: The server side disk cache currently does not support removal of data. This means that the disk cache will grow indefinitely when new data is added to it. It can however be completely removed when not being used by simply removing the files cache.db and cache.dat that are created in the configured disk cache folder.

  • Canvases: The cloud render contexts do not support multi-layered canvases. Only layer 0 is rendered.

  • RGBA: When using the H.264 video format, canvases must use pixel type RGBA only.

  • H.264: There is no H.264 software decoder fallback. An NVIDIA GPU that supports H.264 hardware decoding is required.