Scene file formats
neuray has built-in support for importing scene data from the following file formats:
mental images scene format .mi, see [Driemeyer05]
mental images binary scene format .mib, see Binary storage format
Material Definition Language (MDL) materials .mdl, see Material Definition Language and [MDLSpecification]
neuray has built-in support for exporting scene data to the following file formats:
mental images scene format .mi, see [Driemeyer05]
mental images binary scene format .mib, see Binary storage format
In addition, your neuray installation can be extended with importer and exporter plugins that support other file formats. Such plugins are written using the Iray API. They need to be loaded explicitly in neuray using the mi::neuraylib::IPlugin_configuration::load_plugin_library() or mi::neuraylib::IPlugin_configuration::load_plugins_from_directory() methods. The latter allows you to offer automatic plugin loading from a specified directory. New importers are derived from the IImporter interface and new exporters are derived from the IExporter interface.
The following interfaces and function calls work with scene data and file formats: